Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Next Bruce Lee

Quique is a chiquito at the house. He has an older brother, Antonio, here as well. Quique is probably the most likable kid in the world. He is always full of energy and ready for a challenge. He is the first to do his chores for the day and the first to pop out of bed in the morning. A 5:45am wake up is hard for just about anyone, but Quique makes it look like a piece of cake. As soon as you flip the lights on and say buenos dias, he jumps out of bed with a huge smile on his face and is ready to attack the day. He set a record of 117 jumps with the jump rope the other day and didn't even break a sweat. He is the next Bruce Lee in my mind. Extremely disciplined and focused. Strong yet very humble and Ninja skills like I haven't seen before. I would love it if we could enroll him in some sort of karate or martial arts class. Quique is the type of kid who makes working here so enjoyable. I only hope that we can continue to set a good example for him and guide him in the right direction.

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." Matt. 5:14-16

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